Lip piercing: find the model that suits you!


Do you want to pierce your lips, but you also have lots of questions about the modalities of the process - the pain, the cost, the risks, and the scarring? Here are the answers to all your questions about lip piercing.

Lip piercings, which are becoming more and more popular in our society, date back to ancient times among certain civilizations, such as the Eskimos, certain African tribes and Aztec populations. Also known as the labret piercing, - that is to say attached to the lips ("labrum" in Latin) - the lip piercing is a piercing made in the center of the lower lip. The term can be confusing, as there are many variations of the labret piercing, then positioned on other parts of the lips, such as the Madonna piercing "the right-shifted upper labret piercing", the Monroe piercing "the upper labret piercing shifted to the left", or even the Medusa piercing which is located right between the upper lip and the nose... it's up to you to choose where you want to position your piercing!

So this fashionable piercing interests you? Before you start, here is everything you need to know about this fashionable piercing for several years now.

Important to know first: The lip piercing, like all the others, should only be performed by a professional to avoid potential serious inflammation, skin irritation or other damage to the lips and teeth.

How is the lip piercing performed?

Choose your initial jewel: Before you even enter the piercing room, you must first choose a jewel for your lip. Labret piercings tend to swell so it is advisable to start with a simple straight barbell, ideally in bioflex, a material that is softer and less aggressive towards the teeth than metal posts. You can diversify the jewelry once your piercing is well healed.

Clean and disinfect: To ensure good post-piercing healing, pre-piercing cleaning is a step that should not be overlooked. Indeed, your piercer will disinfect the area where you want to perform your piercing.

Mark the area: With a sterile marker, the professional then fixes the area of ​​the lip piercing to make sure you're okay, and adjusts if you're not.

Drill: Once you have agreed on the location of the piercing, then comes the moment you are looking forward to: the piercing. The jewel you have chosen is then inserted using a hollow needle. And you have a beautiful lip piercing to admire!

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